SoCal OTMX Club Meeting Minutes

May  7, 2018


  1. Replacing the usual catered dinner for the International with a barbecue is being explored. 

  2. The next race is May 20th at the REM track at Glen Helen. 

  3. An appreciation was acknowledged for those who contributed to the work that went into the International, especially to the former board members. 

  4. The remaining Rocky Mountain ATV $10 gift cards will be coordinated. RM ATV will sponsor approximately 12 events. 

  5. On August 26th, there will be a club barbecue at Glen Helen right after the grand prix. 

  6. Mark Moore is asking for volunteers for the National at Glen Helen on May 26th. Free admission is included. 

  7. Don Meiner believes that no more adjustments are needed for the different classes relating to the existing membership. 

  8. In April, the club made about $7,000 coming mostly from the once a year International. There is still a roughly $4,500 insurance payment to be made. 

  9. Because of the very limited practice at the International at Washougal, Do Meiner recommends the class that can be taken from Wednesday through Friday prior to the event. 

  10. Pictures for the Cahuilla Creek race will be available soon. 

  11. It was brought up that changes need to be made to the club Website. 

  12. Steps are being taken to evaluate replacing the existing easy up and the potential purchase of a new one for the benefit of the score keepers. More news on this later.