SoCal OTMX Club Meeting Minutes
January 07, 2019
SoCal OTMX January 7, 2019 Meeting Minutes
1. The race last Sunday was cancelled due to over booking.
2. The MX track Barona Oaks has reopened. It and other tracks such as the Glen Helen truck track, Lake Elsinore and Pala are being considered for race events in the future. The annual Awards Banquet is Saturday, January 26th at 7pm at the Pomona Mining Company. This is the same location as last year. There will be numerous prizes to be raffled off. The cost is $35 for current and former members. Guests will pay $20. Please send your money ASAP so we can get a proper count. Please sent checks made payable to SoCal OTMX, Inc. to
Bob Walpert
25331 Cheyenne Way
Lake Forest, CA 92630
3. The next race is Sunday, January 27th at Glen Helen. It will be a Grand Prix. The race director is attempting to schedule a parade lap just prior to the race.
4. The race after the Glen Helen GP will be on the Glen Helen REM track on February 10.
5. The club is considering allowing current 50 Intermediates to race in the 40 Novice class.
6. The club made money in December. Note: Liability insurance is about $700 per race.
7. Eddie Johnson has been elected club treasurer unanimously and is currently transitioning into the position.
8. John Crafts proposal to add "AND RECEIVED PLACEMENTS" to the riding rules relating to the 10 point rule passed.
9. Rich Kastner will step down from the International Representative position after 13 years of dedicated service. We thank Rich for all his hard work. John Craft was a suggested replacement. It is unknown if John will accept the position.
10. A transponder system was suggested by Ray Valenzuela at the meeting. The club is considering it.
11. The club is looking to appoint a webmaster, someone who deals with club website.